The Student Representative Council (SRC) provides a valuable mode of communication between students, teachers and management. The Council is chaired by the Head and Deputy Head Girl. Its membership comprises of the senior prefects and two students elected from the other year groups.
The function of the Student Representative Council is to discuss any issues of concern that have been raised by students and to liaise with members of management. The Student Council in Assumption Secondary School is also actively involved in fundraising projects and works to eradicate problems that effect all students such as bullying.
Is nasc cumarsáide idir múinteoirí, daltaí agus bainistíocht í Comhairle na nDaltaí a bhfuil an Príomhchailín agus an leas-Phríomhchailín i gceannas air. Is iad na maoir shinsearacha agus dhá dhalta a rinne na blianta eile a thoghadh.
Cuireann an CD tuairmí na ndaltaí in iúl do lucht bainistíochta na scoile. Bíonn said gníomhach i dtionscaimh a bhaineann le tiomsú airgid ar son na scoile agus mian acu lena chois sin a tromaíocht a scrios agus a chur faoi chois.