Our Mission Statement
We endeavour to educate young women in an inclusive, caring, Christian atmosphere of respect for self, others and the environment.
We value freedom, equality and security and strive to promote the growth of positive thinking, self-work and justice.
To achieve our Mission Statement a homework ethic is essential to enable staff to assist students in reaching their full potential. Student confidence, independence and self esteem is fostered and enhanced. The competencies and skills learned through completing homework are integral part of the above. Our homework policy fosters positive values such as self discipline, responsibility, and an interest in learning, which will benefit our students throughout their lives.
Homework is an essential part of the learning process. It enables students to develop independent thinking, retention and life-long learning skills.
This policy encourages a sense of responsibility for homework amongst all the school partners of Assumption Secondary School. The final responsibility for satisfactory completion of homework rests with the learner.
Homework is any work given to a student by a teacher to do at home. It will involve learning and/or writing. Homework is not optional.
A wide variety of homework assignments are set by Teachers. Homework may consist of.
How long should students spend on Homework?
It is our experience that students who pay full attention to homework do better in exams than those who don’t. As part of the students’ daily routine, we suggest that the following average time limits are guidelines for students and parents alike:
1st Year
1 – 1.5 hours
2nd Year
2 – 2.5 hours
3rd Year
2.5 – 3. hours
Transition Year
See note 1
5th Year
3 – 4 hours
6th Year
4 hours upwards
Ø The quality of the completed homework is paramount, regardless of the time spent on it.
Ø Students must set aside homework and study time over the weekend.
Note 1: Homework and assessment is a very important part of Transition Year. Assessment methods may be different from the traditional familiar forms used in other years. In addition to traditional styles of homework, T.Y. students are also asked to undertake projects, assignments, interviews, research and other demanding tasks. Time spent on homework tasks and projects will vary during the year.
Roles and Responsibilities
Board of Management
Non-Completion of Homework
Teachers will have their own procedures for non-completion of homework, up to and including dockets. The student must adhere to the homework procedures class teachers relay to students at the beginning of the school year.
This Policy is subject to review.
Our Mission Statement
We endeavour to educate young women in an inclusive, caring, Christian atmosphere of respect for self, others and the environment.
We value freedom, equality and security and strive to promote the growth of positive thinking, self-work and justice.
To achieve our Mission Statement a homework ethic is essential to enable staff to assist students in reaching their full potential. Student confidence, independence and self esteem is fostered and enhanced. The competencies and skills learned through completing homework are integral part of the above. Our homework policy fosters positive values such as self discipline, responsibility, and an interest in learning, which will benefit our students throughout their lives.
Homework is an essential part of the learning process. It enables students to develop independent thinking, retention and life-long learning skills.
This policy encourages a sense of responsibility for homework amongst all the school partners of Assumption Secondary School. The final responsibility for satisfactory completion of homework rests with the learner.
- To encourage consistent approaches to the setting and reviewing of homework.
- To foster a consistent approach to the completion of homework and encourage students to take responsibility for homework.
- To encourage parents/guardians to take an interest in and monitor their daughter’s work and progress.
Homework is any work given to a student by a teacher to do at home. It will involve learning and/or writing. Homework is not optional.
A wide variety of homework assignments are set by Teachers. Homework may consist of.
- Written
- Learning
- Aural Work
- Research for projects and writing up of project briefs
- Preparation of material necessary for practical work in School.
- Watching recommended TV programmes
- Listening to Radio programmes
- Internet research
- Studying
- Revision
- Drawing
- Reading
- Gathering materials, ideas for CSPE/SPHE and/or other subjects.
How long should students spend on Homework?
It is our experience that students who pay full attention to homework do better in exams than those who don’t. As part of the students’ daily routine, we suggest that the following average time limits are guidelines for students and parents alike:
1st Year
1 – 1.5 hours
2nd Year
2 – 2.5 hours
3rd Year
2.5 – 3. hours
Transition Year
See note 1
5th Year
3 – 4 hours
6th Year
4 hours upwards
Ø The quality of the completed homework is paramount, regardless of the time spent on it.
Ø Students must set aside homework and study time over the weekend.
Note 1: Homework and assessment is a very important part of Transition Year. Assessment methods may be different from the traditional familiar forms used in other years. In addition to traditional styles of homework, T.Y. students are also asked to undertake projects, assignments, interviews, research and other demanding tasks. Time spent on homework tasks and projects will vary during the year.
Roles and Responsibilities
Board of Management
- To ensure that the policy is developed and evaluated from time to time.
- To approve policy.
- To consider reports from the Principal on the implementation of the policy.
- To establish structures and procedures for the implementation of the policy.
- To monitor the implementation of the policy.
- Ensure that students have their homework journal available in class.
- Give homework in every class.
- Instruct students to record subject/homework/completion date in journal.
- Write homework on the board for students to note it.
- Give the last two minutes of class to ensure homework is recorded.
- Ensure that homework is monitored and corrected and that feedback is given and recorded in accordance with the professional judgement of the teacher, dependent on the homework set.
- Keep parents informed of any difficulties in relation to homework through the journal.
- Implement the policy, review homework assignments and provide feedback to students.
- Keep records of homework set.
- Instruct students in homework/study skills.
- Be consistent in the amount of homework given.
- Be aware homework should be differentiated.
- Ensure that written homework is assessed and acknowledged.
- Assist students with the preparation of homework.
- Set achievable standards of homework.
- Encourage students to achieve their full potential by supporting school policy.
- Ensure a quiet room where homework can be completed away from distractions of television, radio, mobile phones and other people.
- Encourage students to spend sufficient time at homework and revision each night.
- Check and sign journals on a weekly basis and familiarise themselves with the Teachers comments and homework given.
- Encourage students to attend after school study if provided.
- Attend Parent/Teacher Meetings.
- Fully support the school in any sanctions employed to deal with homework not completed.
- Provide teachers with valid letters of explanation in the event of homework not being submitted.
- It is the student’s responsibility to seek clarification on given homework before end of class.
- To record all assigned homework in assigned Homework Journal. Each day students should have listed the classes they have for the day on the left-hand column and homework, whether written or oral in the right-hand column.
- To treat homework as an important part of school life that demands time and attention each day.
- Students who are sitting for State Examinations/House Exams will require more time as exam time approaches.
- Be fully prepared for their classes. This will require careful study at home to ensure that homework set in class, both oral/learning and written/practical is completed thoroughly to the best of their ability.
- Present written homework properly.
- Include time for study and review of what has been covered and preparation for the following day.
- Use weekends/mid-terms breaks for additional study and revision.
- To ensure that Homework Journal is signed by parents/guardians each week and handed up to the Year Head for checking on appointed day.
- Have the necessary equipment, books, copies etc. to complete homework properly.
- Homework should be presented to a high standard in terms of presentation and content.
Non-Completion of Homework
Teachers will have their own procedures for non-completion of homework, up to and including dockets. The student must adhere to the homework procedures class teachers relay to students at the beginning of the school year.
This Policy is subject to review.