Assumption Secondary School
Attendance Policy.
We are committed to ensuring that all students benefit fully from the education provided in our school. To achieve this regular and punctual attendance is essential.
The Education Welfare Act 2000 places a statutory responsibility on schools and parents to provide for the optimum attendance of every student. Under the Act, Education Welfare Boards have been established to oversee school attendance nationwide. Each school has been assigned an Education Welfare Officer whose duty is to liaise with the school in relation to any attendance problems which may emerge.
School Attendance Strategy:
A Positive Approach:
- Full attendance is promoted in the school through a culture of high expectation which encourages each student to take responsibility for her own learning
- Across the curriculum, students are made aware of the incremental nature of learning and the long term implications for them of irregular attendance
- Full attendance is promoted through the Pastoral Care Programme and is encouraged by all staff and rewarded at our Annual Prize Giving.
- Twice yearly reports to parents/guardians provide a record of attendance.
- Each teacher takes their class roll and records attendance at the beginning of each class.
- Phone calls may be made by subject teachers / Tutors / Year head / Deputy Principal / Principal to check / verify attendance.
- A record of days absent is given to Parents /Guardians on School reports at Christmas and at the end of the school year.
- Teachers have the opportunity at both Parent-Teacher meetings and on school reports to make reference to the lack of progress made by students due to absenteeism and / or poor punctuality.
Parents/ Guardians:
- Parents/Guardians need to be mindful of the educational importance of full attendance when scheduling appointments or family events which may necessitate the withdrawal of a student from school.
- Parents/Guardians are responsible for providing a written explanation for all absences. These notes must be written in the Students Journal.
- Parents/Guardians must provide written notes in the Students Journal explaining reasons for lateness.
- Students will not be allowed leave the school for appointments without written parental notification.
- If Parents/Guardians are aware in advance that a student will be absent for any part of the school day they should notify the school.
- Notes to excuse students for appointments etc. during the school day must be signed by the Year Head or Deputy Principal / Principal.
- Students with signed permission (as per above) to leave the school for any reason must sign the ‘sign out sheet’ in the office before they leave. If they are returning during the school day the student must sign in at the office.
Students must adhere to the following:
- They must be in attendance and ready for class, at 8.50am.
- They must be present for roll call at 10. 45 a.m.
- They must be in attendance at 1.40pm ready for afternoon class
- Submit a parental written explanation for absence on their return to school.
- Present notes from parents / guardians, explaining late arrival, to reception.
- Students who arrive late in the morning will receive a late stamp in their journal. This will be recorded and given to their Year Head and sanctions may be imposed.
Students who become ill during the course of the day should inform their Year Head.
Parents / Guardians will be contacted by the school.
In this case the student will only be allowed to go home when collected by Parent / Guardian.
Legal Requirements:
The Education Welfare Board will be contacted where any of the following occur:
- The aggregate number of days on which a student is absent from school during a school year is more than twenty.
- A student who is, in the opinion of the Principal, not attending school regularly.
Review Procedures:
The Policy is subject to review.